Holistic Health Practitioner Certificate Programs

Within the Holistic Health Practitioner Training Program, we offer focused certificates in the most popular areas of holistic and energetic studies. Whether you want to focus on Body Work, Natural Remedies, Energy Work or Reiki Master Training, or individual course certificates, there is a program of study for you.

No classes on statutory holiday weekends.

Holistic Health Certificate Programs


HOLISTIC HOL-U Full-TimeMon, Sept. 14, 2020Sun, Jul. 19, 2021Reiki 2 is blended class with HOL-U & HOL-V No classes December 12, 2020 to January 4, 2021 No classes March 13 to 21, 2021
HOLISTIC HOL-V Part-TimeTues, Feb. 2, 2021Tues, Dec. 3 2022No classes December 19, 2020 to January 4, 2021 No classes December 18, 2021 to January 3, 2022 No classes March 13 to 21, 2021 No classes March 12 to 20, 2022 No classes on statutory holiday weekends

Body Work Training Certificate

This certificate offers the most sought after body work modalities in holistic health field. By offering and blending these modalities in your work, the practitioner has the best of body work techniques to choose from to meet their client’s needs for each treatment. As a practitioner, offering more than a few modalities allows you to build and enhance your practice.

  • Aromatherapy (120 hours)
  • Swedish Basics (30 hours)
  • Shiatsu Basics (30 hours)
  • Reflexology (45 hours)
  • Anatomy & Physiology (30 hours)
  • Pathology (18 hours)

Classroom Hours: 345 hours

Case Studies: 36 hours

Total Body Work Hours: 381 hours

Course Code: HOL-BWC

Certificate designations are also given for Aromatherapy (C.A.H.T.) and Reflexology (C.R.H.P.) upon completion of additional case study and exam requirements.

Tuition: $5.577 ($300 non-refundable deposit to reserveyour space). Material Fee $420 (Additional materials may be required, payable to the instructor). Administrative fee –non-refundable – $150


Natural Remedies Training Certificate

This certificate combines the most widely used holistic remedies to develop your own natural pharmacopeia. Learn how to use 30 to 40 major herbs and 30 essential oils to make tinctures, teas, compresses, ointments, exfoliants and scrubs to treat a variety of conditions and ailments. Use iridology as an assessment tool, administer homeopathic remedies for common illnesses, develop nutritional treatment plans and use Bach Flower essences to balance emotional and mental energies.

  • Herbal Studies 
  • Aromatherapy (120 hours)
  • Homeopathy Basics (30 hours)
  • Natural Nutrition and Nutritional
  • Symptomatology (30 hours)
  • Bach Flower Remedies (8 hours)
  • Anatomy & Physiology (30 hours)
  • Pathology (18 hours)

Classroom Hours: 439 hours

Case Studies and Practicum Hours: 14 hours

Total Natural Remedies Hours: 453 hours

Course Code: HOL-NRC

Certificate designations are also given for Aromatherapy (C.A.H.T.) upon completion of additional case study and exam requirements.

Tuition:  $7,043 ($300 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space). Material Fee $420 (Additional materials may be required, payable to the instructor).Administrative fee –non-refundable – $150


Energy Work Training Certificate

Energy work and chakra clearing has become widely accepted as a method of restoring balance to the energy field and body.

In this certificate program, you will learn how to use intuition in energy work, tools to work with the 7 primary chakras and human aura and powerful techniques in energy medicine. Gain experience in medical intuition

to determine possible psychospiritual influences behind illnesses and how to work with guided imagery and prayer.

  • TS-01 Meditation and the Chakras
  • TS-05 Spiritual Healing and Energy Transfer
  • TS-06 The Intuitive Arts
  • Reiki I (15 hours)
  • Reiki II (15 hours)
  • Crystal Energy Work ( 8 hours)
  • Chakra Studies II (30 hours)
  • Medical Intuition, Guided Imagery and Prayer (30 hours)
  • Energy Medicine (7 hours)
  • Sound Energetics (15 hours)

Classroom Hours: 200 hours

Case Studies and Practicum Hours: 37 hours

Total Energy Work Hours: 237 hours

Course Code: HOL-EWC

Individual Certificates are also given for Reiki I & Reiki II.

Tuition: $3,371 ($300 non-refundable deposit to reserveyour space). Material Fee $50 (Additional materials may be required, payable to the instructor). Administrative fee –
non-refundable – $150


Reiki Master Training Certificate

meditation, spiritual, yoga

Reiki is one of the most well-known and popular forms of energy work in the world. It is a laying-on of hands technique thought to be of Tibetan Buddhist origin that was rediscovered in Japan in the 1800’s. The Reiki Practitioner is a clear channel through which universal energy flows for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.

This program includes the 3 levels of Reiki, hand positions, attunements, symbols, distance healing so that you can give energy treatments, be initiated as a Reiki Master and also teach Reiki. It integrates Reiki with Sound Energetics, Crystal Energy Work, energy field and chakra balancing and clearing.

  • Reiki I (15 hours)
  • Reiki II (15 hours)
  • Reiki Master (15 hours)
  • TS-01 Meditation and the Chakras
  • TS-04 Emotional Healing
  • TS-05 Spiritual Healing and Energy Transfer
  • TS-06 Intuitive Arts
  • Sound Energetics (15 hours)
  • Crystal Energy Work (8 hours)

Classroom Hours: 155 hours

Case Studies and Practicum Hours: 18 hours

Total Reiki Master Hours: 173 hours

Course Code: HOL-RMC

Individual Certificates are also given for Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master.

Tuition: $3,074 ($300 non-refundable deposit to reserveyour space) Material Fee $40 (Additional materials may be required, payable to the instructor). Administrative fee –
non-refundable – $150


There are over 20 faculty members for this program.


In registering for one of these certificate programs, you receive a 10% discount in comparison to enrolling in these courses on an individual course basis. This is already shown in the fees stated which are HST exempt. See fee for each certificate program.

As a reminder, when you take the entire Holistic Health Practitioner Program a discount of 30% off the individual course price is given.

Administrative Fee of $150 plus and Materials Fee applies, see certificate for details. 

  • Cost for bodywork supplies, teacher manuals, textbooks and some materials fees are additional. 
  • Financial plans are available.
  • Tuition tax credits are given for these programs and they are HST exempt.



These courses, taken individually, offer holistic certificates upon completion of specific requirements: attendance, exams, assignments, and case studies. They are included in the Holistic Practitioner Program and if additional requirements over and above the program requirements are met a certificate is awarded and associated designation ie Aromatherapy –  C.A.H.T.  Reflexology – C.R.H.P.

Aromatherapy Certificate
(120 hours) 

  • 90% attendance
  • Quizzes/tests
  • 9 case studies
Tuition: $2,200 +HST ($300 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space) Material Fee $420 


Reflexology Certificate
(45 hours)

  • 90% attendance
  • Quizzes/tests
  • 20 case studies

Tuition: $750 + HST ($300 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space) Material Fee $420 

Note:  Further certification can be achieved for both Aromatherapy and Reflexology through Transformational Arts via the Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners. These designations can be used anywhere in Canada as a legal suffix after the practitioner’s name.
C.A.H.T. – Certified Aromatherapist: $500 – Requires completion of an additional 29 case studies.
C.R.H.P. – Certified Reflexologist $500 – Requires completion of an additional 40 case studies.
Both written and practical exams must be successfully completed for C.A.H.T. and C.R.H.P. designations. The cost to write the exams is $100.
If the student applied for more than 1 designation, the fee for the further designation is only $125
Designations must be renewed annually for a fee of $125 and 15 hours of Continuing Education 
Credits (CEU’s) must be done annually to keep the designation valid.
Full-time – Starting Date:
Part-time – Starting Date:


Fundamental Herbology Certificate
(105 hours)

  • 90% attendance
  • Tests and research assignment
Tuition: $1,925 +HST ($300 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space) Materials Fee payable to instructor.


Homeopathy Certificate
(33 hours)

  • 90% attendance
  • Quizzes/tests
  • In class cases
Tuition: $545 +HST ($100 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space). Materials Fee payable to instructor. 

Nutritional Symptomatology Certificate
(30 hours)


  • 90% attendance 
  • Quizzes/tests 
  • 5 case studies
Tuition: $525 +HST ($100 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space). Materials Fee payable to instructor. 


Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 

(30 hours each)

  • 100% attendance
  • 9 case studies each 
Reiki I Tuition: $320 +HST ($100 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space). Materials fee $10. 
Reiki II Tuition: $350 +HST ($100 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space). Materials Fee $10.
To Register:
Students must have attained 18 years of age or older and completed high school. Mature students with differing educational backgrounds are invited to apply.
Mature students of 21 years of age may apply.
As enrollment is limited, you are encouraged to register now. All applicants for programs will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis depending on space availability. Once the program reaches maximum capacity applicants are placed on a waiting list. Acceptance into the program is conditional and may require an interview.

Reiki 3

(15 HOURS)

Reiki III Tuition:Single course fee is $660.00 + HST ($100 non-refundable deposit to reserve your space)

Holistic Health Practitioner Certificates

Programs Start Dates
Each of these Certificate Programs can be started at any point in time based on multiple course start date availability. To find out the optimal start date that fits your schedule for weekday, evening or weekend classes, or a combination of these options, 
Please contact Holistic Coordinator:                                                   
Pat Rigby at 416.484.0454 ext. 3 or email prigby@transformationalarts.com.


Graduate Success Story

I came to Transformational Arts at a time when I wanted to learn more about myself. What happened next was a complete surprise!

I needed a place that could help me understand myself more fully. A friend of mine handed me a Transformational Arts brochure and I thought a couple of courses in the Total Self Program would do the trick… little did I know what I was about to embark on!

Two years later I had finished the Holistic Health Practitioner Training program and found myself excited to start a new career as a Natural Health Care Practitioner. I had learned so much about myself and so many exciting, new things that I wanted to share them with the world.

My practice continues to evolve and today I am Homeopath registered with The College of Homeopaths of Ontario. In my friendly in-home clinic I am offering a Complimentary Holistic healthcare approach , helping many clients overcome physical and emotional issues. Imagine it all started with a couple of courses at Transformational Arts!

Alessandra Morasutti, Homeopath