Intensives involve experiential group psychotherapy completed in a short time period (usually one weekend). Through intensive emotional release under the guidance of experienced facilitators and with participation of the group members, the individual reaches deeper levels of self than usually possible in individual session work.

Through positive encouragement and support, a new relationship to the situation can be built and healthier behavioural patterns are developed. For many students the transformational process and reframing is a life-changing experience of trust, support and relief.

Three kinds of Intensives are offered on scheduled weekends:

Emotional Healing Intensives:

  • Family of Origin
  • Healing Shame
  • Anger

Fees: $450 for 2-Days, $690 for 3-Days


  • Full payment is due at time of registration for Intensives. Payments are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable unless for severe reasons and with written documentation (i.e. sudden illness, or a therapist’s recommendation to wait). All exceptions by the discretion of Linda Kuschnir, Managing Director and/or Gord Riddell, Co-founder & President.
  • For more details, please contact Linda Kuschnir at 416-484- 0454 ext. 1 or lindak@transformationalarts.com.or Maria Galle at 416-484=0454 ext.2 or mariag@transformationalarts.com
  • Family of Origin – 3 Day Intensive (Friday to Sunday, Limit 8 participants)

(Friday and Saturday 9:30 am – 6 pm, Sunday 9:30 am – 6 pm)

We tend to repeat roles and relationship dynamics learned in our family-of-origin until we become conscious of them. If we come from a family that has unhealthy behavioural patterns — and that describes most of us since no family is perfect — we will repeat the same level of dysfunction in our current day relationships until we become aware and heal.

  • Explore your family-of-origin and unresolved core issues with your mother, father and/or siblings that still may be preventing you from living a fulfilling life and having healthy relationships.
  • Heal the wounds from your childhood and grieve your losses.
  • Experience anger, shame, defense and grief work.
  • Develop emotional fluency in expressing your feelings.
  • Learn how to transform your emotional blocks and how to make positive changes in your life.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Develop a loving and intimate relationship with your self and others.
  • Connect with your True Self for empowerment.
  • Experience: family sculpture, group sharing and processing, psychodrama, focusing, gestalt, inner child work, guided imagery and other experiential psychotherapy techniques.

Upcoming Dates:

  • TBD

Healing Shame – 2 Day Intensive (Saturday and Sunday, Limit 7 participants)

(Saturday 9:30 am – 6 pm, Sunday 9:30 am – 6 pm)

Shame is one of the most debilitating emotions we can experience. It tells us that we are defective, flawed and not okay. This two-day Intensive workshop will give participants the opportunity to transform and heal shame on a deep emotional level, in a loving supportive environment.

This intensive will allow for:

  • Identification of your internal shaming messages and the sources of your shame.
  • Understanding the physical and emotional symptoms that accompany shame.
  • Identification of the mask you wear to hide shame
  • Knowing the difference between guilt vs. shame.
  • Healing of unresolved family-of-origin, inner child or relationship issues perpetuating shame.
  • Healing sexual and body shame.
  • Breaking the shame cycle and overcoming a shame attack.

Upcoming Dates: TBD

Anger – 2 Day Intensive (Saturday and Sunday, Limit 7 participants)

(Saturday 9:30 am – 6 pm, Sunday 9:30 am – 6 pm)

Anger is one of the most misunderstood emotions — considered taboo in many circles, yet vital to our well being. Unless we can express our anger in a constructive way, we cannot become empowered. This 2-day Intensive workshop will give participants the opportunity to explore anger/rage issues in a safe environment.

This intensive will allow for:

  • Anger and rage reduction work.
  • Identification of old anger issues.
  • Key anger areas may be family-of-origin, inner child and/or unresolved relationships.
  • Identifying how you personally do anger.
  • Opportunity to work through old or current day anger and let it go.
  • Knowing the difference between anger vs. rage.
  • Key anger management skills.

Upcoming Dates:  TBD