
Mindful Living/Conscious Dying


This Certificate Course is for TAC Graduates, RP, RP (qualifying), members of Regulated Health Professions, those who deal with death and dying or wish to be part of this sacred mystery. Course is 30 hours.

  • Assess your own discomfort and fears about your own death.
  • What will be your legacy?
  • How will your Eulogy read?

Mindful Living, Conscious Dying is a ten-week, thirty hour course designed to enhance the skill sets of Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Clergy and Spiritual Directors working with clients who are diagnosed with a life shortening illness or in the latter stages of the dying process.

Over the next 25 years, one in 4 people will be over the age of 65, in North America. There is a growing demand for people to guide us and our elders through the dying process and help their loved ones learn to live with their grief.

Your learning outcomes of this course:

  • Ability to validate the importance of Palliative, Hospice and Respite care for your client.
  • Discuss, using accurate language, ideas about death and dying while holding space for your client.
  • Assist your client in discussing their end of life experience and needs.
  • Determine the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of your client and advocate as required.
  • Explain end of life legalities – wills, types of powers of attorney, executors and what they want done with their body.
  • Exercise professional boundaries and ethics.
  • Initiate the discussion about creating a client’s end of life ceremony, secular, religious or?
  • Support your client in planning their final ritual.
Upon completion of this Course you will learn how to:

  • Be prepared to assist in alleviating the client’s impending death anxiety
  • Saying good-bye when we can’t be present. Learnings from the Covid-19 Pandemic.
  • Defend a client’s right to dignity, privacy and respect in any setting
  • Recognize and mediate family disagreements that can surface at this time, especially old dynamics.
  • Reach out to assist the family deal with their emotions which can include anticipatory grief, betrayal, abandonment, fear, hurt and anger.
  • Apply the non-linear stages of grief.
  • Educate people what to expect at the end of life and not impose their fears on the client.
  • What do the dying need?
  • Exercise self-care and awareness of the effect the dying client can have on caregivers.
  • Integrate medically-assisted death as an option
  • Gain permission to continue to hold space as they move from dying to death.
  • Stay present in your own experience allowing feelings of compassion, empathy, peace, joy, humor and being connected, inside and out.

Program Update


The Course is 30 hours over 10 weeks with interactive instruction.

As a result of the pandemic, there is a segment with ritual about saying good-bye when you cannot see or touch or be present at someone’s end of life.

Mindful Living, Conscious Dying: Registration Information

START DATE: February 26, 2025
Wednesday – 6:30 to 9:30 PM

START TIME: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

COURSE LENGTH: 10 weeks, 30 hours (Wednesdays,
6:30-9:30 pm) (Saturday afternoon only)





Credit for Unit 3 of the Spiritual Director Program will be given upon successful completion of unit requirements plus attendance of 90% met. This credit allows you to continue into the Spiritual Directors Training Program with one of 4 required unit credits.  This unit credit must be applied with your registration in the full Program no later than September 2023.