Land Acknowledgement:
We acknowledge the land we are located on is the traditional territory of many nations
including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the
Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations,
Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with
the Mississaugas of the Credit.
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) – Certified Educational Institute
Association of Psychotherapy Training Institutes (APTI)
Canadian Humanistic and Transpersonal Association (CHTA)
CHTA is a member of Partnership of Registered Psychotherapist Associations (PRPA)
Spiritual Directors International (SDI)
Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners, The
Toronto Board of Trade
Gord Riddell, RP, BSSc.
President & Co-Founder
Established in 1988
Welcome to Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training. Founded in July 1988, this year commences our 33rd year of educational services to the Spiritual, Holistic and Wellness communities. The College is a federally Certified Private Educational Institute with the Government of Canada.
It has been some time since I wrote but I will be changing that shortly. I am pleased to present our new website, here you can get the latest news, register, and pay for courses, check schedules and even send us a message. The site has a page called NEWS under the ABOUT tab. Here you can check if the weather may cause class cancellation, or a class is rescheduled. I will have my blog and updates on what is happening around the school. We encourage everyone to check the website first and frequently to keep abreast of a rapidly changing pandemic situations, you can see who the next speaker is on the radio show or with a direct link be taken to the archives where you will find over 70 hours of listening and learning. It ‘s all about staying connected.
To say that 2020 in a few short weeks became a shock is an understatement for all. Not in decades has such a global event, and not a war, stirred every country and creature from our collective slumber and forced us to look at where we were, where we fell asleep and pointing forward, as we all try to discern what that forward direction is.
Within a week of the state of emergency being declared, Transformational Arts was up and diving right into getting courses on-line so that students could continue to study but in a decidedly different format. While some have said they are Zoomed out, I am feeling grateful that Zoom.com had arrived in such a format that we were able to move most classes on-line, I am grateful I had $3,000 to buy our license for Zoom. I am grateful to every teacher who rose to the occasion, learned to teach on Zoom and alter their presentation to allow for distance learning. No one at TAC has a strong technology background or much interest in getting one, we are all practitioners who teach.
We all would love to have you in classes where we can interact as 3 dimensional beings and not a small 2-dimensional photo on a Zoom screen. Now Reality Check and Radical Acceptance, it is not going to happen anytime soon. To those who ask about the Fall, I can only reply that your guess is as good as anyone else’s. No one in authority knows, how can we? It is a challenge to move forward not knowing, another piece for us to learn, to trust, to have faith and continue to believe we are on the right path. We will arrive at a new “normal” eventually, however we need to let go of what was and ready our self for what will be. Comparison of what was, to now, shows our lack of perspective of what is taking place. The world of what was, and its values is at the heart of this pandemic, we cannot allow ourselves to go back.
As with most colleges and universities, we will be planning to be on-line in the coming months. Listening to the advice of the Toronto Public Health Unit and the government of Ontario, we will heed their direction. A classroom set with safe physical distancing would require up to a 60 % reduction in class size and the thought of wearing masks from 3 to 8 hours does not make this an attractive day of learning. Stringent cleaning regulations, including while students are at lunch and again right after, puts undo pressure on teachers, which they did not sign on for. While having to pay teachers 2 or 3 times to teach the same subject because of much smaller class sizes is daunting. But more daunting is that a teacher, a student, or a staff member would be infected and take it home to their children, parents, or grandparents. As you can see, it is complicated and keeping everyone safe and well is our primary goal, followed closely by providing the best, most up to date programs in the Spiritual and Holistic fields with training unsurpassed in adult education.
Stay connected and we look forward to zooming, teaching, and learning with you.
Live well, Be Well and Be Blessed
Gord Riddell
Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training.

Our instructors are leaders and specialists in their fields and many are actively involved in the community and maintain their own private practices. We are committed to keeping abreast with the latest research and development and to expanding our professional skills. We are dedicated to our own emotional healing and spiritual development on an ongoing basis.
We look forward to your seeing your growth and development.
Gord Riddell RP, BSSc.
We are committed to providing excellence in spiritually-based education and being at the leading edge of the psychospiritual and holistic health education fields.
We continue to create programming unparalleled in Canada by combining the spiritual wisdom of the ancients with the latest breakthroughs in contemporary psychology and holistic health, while honouring the uniqueness of each individual.
We provide a supportive environment where students can develop professional skills as well as embark upon their own personal journey of spiritual growth, emotional healing and holistic well-being.
We take our students to new heights of learning and discovery; inward to heal themselves, upward to their full potential and outward to be of service. We believe that as we heal ourselves we help to heal the world, one person at a time. We foster a sense of spiritual community where people of like mind and purpose can interact.
Passion and inspiration motivate our direction into the future as pioneering and visionary leaders in spiritual, psychological, holistic health and sacred arts education. The art of transformation guides our creative process in developing innovative programming.
Transformational Arts embraces the Letter and the Spirit of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario Human Rights Code. We are all enriched through diversity, inclusion and multi-culturalism.
Weekly Events & Classes

Compassion Energy Circle
All faiths and traditions are welcome.
Allow yourself to connect to a deeper wisdom within you, connect to the power of community, love, and healing intentions around us.
Experience first-hand the benefits of a regular spiritual practise
Supporting ourselves in order to support others
OUR Live Weekly Radio Show On Voice America talk Radio
Every Thursday @ 8pm ET AND 5 PM PT
This is a show about connections. Connections to your self, your spirit, your feelings and your story. We know one of the most powerful healing tools we have is our connections. Explore connecting to your intuition and those aha moments. Discover how we get in our own way and how we can overcome obstacles to move on. We will discover that how we think, what we believe, and our attitude defines how we experience our life. Fascinating is the idea that we shape our reality to what we believe it should be, in our minds. Connection to our families, our aging family members and becoming caregivers, not caretakers.
Reality of our self aging, not into senior citizens but embracing the archetypal Elder, the Wise One. Living the Spiritual idea of being of service but not feeling like someone’s servant. Moving forward, with our guests, we will connect to each other embracing the mysteries of life as we explore the many roads of the human journey and those will be things worth considering.
Live call in Toll Free : 888-346-9141. Email us at info@spiritgrows.ca
Connect on-line https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/3824/things-worth-considering
Find us at
TRANSFORMATIONAL ARTS College of Spiritual and Holistic Training
WELCOME! From our initial offerings of personal awareness courses 32 years ago, we have grown to offer professional training programs in the fields of Holistic Health Practitioner, Spiritual Director, Life Coaching, Discovering the Total Self and more. Many of our graduates have created successful careers as Registered Psychotherapists, Holistic Health Practitioners, Spiritual Directors and Coaches.
We welcome you to study with us at Transformational Arts, joining those who have walked this empowering path of self-discovery, healing and transformation!
Our Courses & Programs
We welcome you to study with us at Transformational Arts, joining those who have walked this empowering path of self-discovery, healing and transformational growth.
Counselling Room Rentals
Advantage to TAC: Central Location, on subway line, safe neighbourhood. There is somebody on-site at TAC when you are seeing clients in the event of an emergency, or an awkward situation arises.
Classroom Space for Rent
At Yonge and Lawrence area in Toronto. Contact Linda Kuschnir at 416.484.0454 ext. 23.