Shiatsu is a Japanese healing art commonly known as acupuncture without needles. Finger pressure is used on points of the body’s meridian system to normalize the flow of life force. This 30-hour course covers:
- Shiatsu therapy principles/yin and yang in relation to emotional & mental states
- The study and practice of recognition principles, empathetic connection and diagnosis/treatment of the meridian system, including the 12 main meridians.
- Mind and body connection
- Basic full body shiatsu treatment
- Meridian Yoga, Ki movement exercises, and Aiki practice
- Self-treatment
Course Code: HSC-SHI
Instructor: Alex Pereklita, Tao Shiatsu Instructor
Pre-Requisite: Course #1 & #5 from Total Self Program is recommended
Fee: $395 if taken as part of program, $495+HST if taken as single course.
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